Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Photo Cards

I absolutely love receiving a Christmas card from families that I’ve known throughout the years, and I especially love the ones with pictures of the family on the front. Those are the ones that earn a place on my mantle. The Christmas season reminds me of how incredibly blessed I am and of those blessings, one of the biggest is friends and family. Getting photo cards in the mail for weeks on end is a constant reminder of the love and joy and blessings that I have in each of the people pictured on the card. Sure, it’s nice to receive a generic “Happy Holidays” card from someone this time of year, but I truly treasure seeing friends’ smiling faces and getting to see even a snapshot of what their lives are like, or have been like this past year. This year, I’m going to give these photo cards a shot! I’ve ordered prints from Shutterfly before, and last year I ordered personalized calendars for both sets of parents that include all of the family members, and have our birthdays and anniversaries already printed on them. I’ve ordered pictures from other online companies but highly recommend Shutterfly because of the quality of the pictures – they’re never grainy or blurry. Plus, I am constantly receiving emails about featured sales (like the one telling me about this deal!)

I think I have been secretly waiting until I’ve had some major milestone in life to share on the front of a card – who wants to see Andrew and I with our dogs? This year, I hope everyone on my Christmas card list does, because that’s what they’re getting! Here’s hoping we end up on your mantle….